24 Oct Bateman Kids are Kids: parents give back to Fragile X Foundation
Maria Goss and her husband Luke, of Kensington, raised $180,000 for the Sensory Xploration Hub through their charity Think Fragile X Foundation as both their sons have Fragile X syndrome.kahovka-service.ru
Their older, Ethan (5) also has autism and his needs along with Logan’s (4) can be physically demanding for parents.
“We used to live in Wilson and Ethan came here for early intervention when he was diagnosed just before his second birthday,” Mrs Goss said.
“We just wanted to give back.”
The Foundation has previously raised money for a parents’ retreat, dedicated physiotherapy area and reception area.
Kids are Kids executive officer Lisa Hoffman said the building was now available for children receiving therapy and families outside the service could book the whole building from next week.
The building has two room linked by a “magic carpet” of projected images.
The rooms include a ball pit, swings, a bubble tank, and plenty of opportunity for jumping and climbing.
“Some children have difficulty with sensory processing and need more deep pressure or spinning and would otherwise be fidgeting at school and bumping into kids and being disruptive.
“Families can say visit here before school and then be ready to concentrate.”
The room will include items parents can incorporate into their homes like cushions for jumping on.