15 Jul RQCC Boxing
In May 2018, I decided to step outside my own comfort zone and do something completely different to help raise awareness of the Think Fragile X Foundation and our boys. I took part in the Royal Queensbury Championship Boxing Challenge. Yes that’s right, I stepped inside a boxing ring and went three rounds in a fully sanctioned Boxing Match in front of 1400 people.
I know most people might think this was a little extreme or crazy but not to me. Every single day I expect my boys to work hard, to challenge themselves and to do things they really don’t want to do, all to help them live life to the fullest. So I decided it was my turn to step outside my comfort zone.
Luke and I attended the event in 2017 as guests, I didn’t really know what we were going to, all I knew is that we were going to a Gala Dinner and Luke mentioned there would be some boxing matches as well.
I think it might have been during the third fight of the night when I turned to Luke and said, “I think I’m going to sign up and do this next year”. From the moment I said it, he was so supportive. I honestly don’t know if he really believed I would go through with it, but like most things when I get an idea in my head, I struggle to let it go.
In February 2018 I started my 11 week training program. I trained a minimum of six times a week under the watchful eyes of the best coaches in Perth.
Those 11 weeks took me on an incredible personal journey. I learnt so much about myself and it was the first time in a long time I did something just for me.
When I thought I would be learning to box, I assumed it would be all about learning to throw punches correctly, however there is so much more to it before you even throw a punch. You need to get your stance and balance right, transition your weight from foot to foot, rotate your hips and feet, keep your guard up to protect yourself, move around all whilst keeping your stance and balance, breathing correctly, getting use to wearing a mouth guard and head protection, preparing your body to take the hits, yes that meant punching each other in the stomach, ribs and head… then of course you learn all the different punches and combinations.
In so many ways learning to box resonated to learning how to be a parent of kids with special needs. From the outside you see people doing things which looks like it just comes to them naturally, when really it is a combination of learning lots of fundamentals and a few tricks of the trade.
Luke was an amazing support through this time, allowing me to fully commit to the training schedule so I could get myself in the best possible position come fight night.
Although I didn’t win, I am still so super proud that I gave it everything I had and left nothing behind in that ring. To be honest I don’t really remember the fight, it was such a surreal feeling. It really was an out of body experience.
Every time I would doubt myself or struggle to get ready for training I thought about my boys. They don’t have a choice but to work hard every single day. It wasn’t about winning or losing for me, it was my way of showing my boys that if you really put your mind to it– you can achieve anything!